Month: July 2015

6A – Motion Sickness, Anticipation Neurons

6A News: Are brain areas that produce movement involved in anticipating it? How can we reduce motion sickness? Download link Articles: Alleviating Simulator Sickness with Galvanic Cutaneous Stimulation An action-incongruent secondary task modulates prediction accuracy in experienced performers: evidence for motor simulation More information: My Research Gate Page (pdfs of my articles) My ASU Web…

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6 – Embodied Perception in Sport

6 Why do great athletes claim that on some nights baseballs look as big as a grapefruit, basketball hoops are like oceans and things move in slow motion? Are they just blowing a lot of hot air or is this really the way they see the world? In this episode, I explore embodied perception in…

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5A – Choking in Golf, Return Trips

5A News: Can the threat of losing $50K on one putt make a pro golfer choke? Why is “back again” shorter than there? Download link Articles: The impact of pressure on performance: Evidence from the PGA TOUR The Return Trip Is Felt Shorter Only Postdictively: A Psychophysiological Study of the Return Trip Effect More information:…

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5 –Vision in Hitting and Catching

5 How does an athlete get their glove, racquet, hand, or foot to the right place at the right time to hit, catch or strike a moving object? In this episode, I explore visual information that can be used to judge the time to contact and direction of motion of an approaching object and how…

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