
317 – Interview with Kevin Becker, TWU, Focus of Attention & Holistic Cueing

317 A discussion with Kevin Becker from Texas Women’s University. What factors moderate the classic “external focus is better than an internal focus” effect? What are athletes’ self-reported focus strategies? How might we use multiple cues? What are holistic cues?Download link More info about my guest: More information:Subscribe in iOS/AppleSubscribe in Android/GoogleMy Research Gate Page…

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316 – Machine Learning for Understanding Motor Learning

316 A look at research examining how machine learning techniques can be used to further our understanding of motor learning, investigating questions related to talent development, the structure of practice, the level of tactical proficiency, and recovery from practice. Download link Articles: Complementing subjective with objective data in analysing expertise: A machine-learning approach applied to…

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315 – Interview with Christian Vater, Bern, Using Peripheral Vision in Sports, Gaze Training

315 A discussion with Christian Vater from the University of Bern. What are the different ways athletes use peripheral vision in sports? Can you train an athlete to adopt a different gaze strategy? How can we use VR to better understand and train vision in sports.Download link More info about my guest: More information:Subscribe in…

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314 – Knowing Your Opponent: Deception & an Ecological View on Using Probability Information

314 A look at recent studies investigating the use of situational probabilities by athletes? Does knowing your opponent’s tendencies make you more susceptible to deception? Does it matter whether you are given probability info about your opponent or acquire it yourself? How can we account for the use of this type of information in an…

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How often should you look at your target, do younger and older performers learn differently?

The latest in skill acquisition and performance research from -Where should a soccer player look when they are running up to strike the ball during a free kick? This question was investigated in a new study published in the International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. Consistent with the typical findings on the quiet…

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One session benefits of differential learning, block vs random batting practice

The latest in skill acquisition and performance research from -Can one session of differential learning improve visuo-motor performance? In a new study published in the European Journal of Sport Science, Serrien and colleagues examined this question using a task which involved turning lights presented in periphery off by hitting them with your hand. Kind…

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Diversity of Skill, Small sided games, Radical new issues.

The latest in skill acquisition and performance research from What are the implications for skill acquisition and coaching if we accept that performers are complex adaptative systems? In a new opinion article posted on Sports Medicine, Pol and colleagues consider this interesting question. They emphasize that athletes and teams are co-adaptive and develop functional…

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Coupled training to reduce knee injuries, attention and climbing, new Bernstein!

The latest in skill acquisition and performance research from -Can perceptual-motor training be used to reduce the chance at athlete will get a knee injury playing sports? In a paper from the recent International Society of Biomechanics in Sport conference, Tidman and colleagues compared two types of training to a control group using a…

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Gender norms & motor Learning, Shared understanding in teams, Recording brain activity in racing

The latest in skill acquisition and performance research from -An often overlooked aspect of skilled performance is the intersectionality between gender and motor learning. One way in which this manifests itself is stereotype threat which occurs when a common stereotype like “girls are bad at math” or “men don’t putt as well” impairs learning….

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Big (virtual) hands you know you’re the one, musical pressure, CLA for golf

The latest in skill acquisition and performance research from -What happens when we use virtual reality to give you an abnormally large hand or foot? In a really interesting new chapter, Stefanucci and colleagues consider the topic of embodiment in virtual environments. Among the work they discuss, are studies that have given participants altered…

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