
391 – Are “Advance Cues” Used for Predictive or Prospective Control?

391 Is the advance information we get from an opponent’s kinematics, their body language, used to predict/anticipate what is going to happen next as traditionally proposed? Or is it used as information to continuous control preparatory movements?Download link Articles:Hitting movement patterns organized by different pitching movement speeds as advanced kinematic information More information:Subscribe in iOS/AppleSubscribe…

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390 – Movement & Skill Acquisition Ireland Webinar Series 2022

390 My interview with Phil Kearney and Alan Dunton from MSAI discussing their 2022 Webinar series: Applying skill acquisition in different domains.Download link Links: More information:Subscribe in iOS/AppleSubscribe in Android/GoogleMy Research Gate Page (pdfs of my articles)My ASU Web pagePodcast Facebook page (videos, pics, etc)Email: robgray@asu.edu Support the podcast and receive bonus content

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389 – Interview with Todd Hargrove, Playing with Movement, The Feldenkrais Method

389 My interview with Todd Hargrove from Better Movement. How can playing with and exploring movement be beneficial? Why should we be thinking options not corrections in movement training and physical therapy? What is the Feldenkrais Method?Download link Links:https://www.bettermovement.org/ More information:Subscribe in iOS/AppleSubscribe in Android/GoogleMy Research Gate Page (pdfs of my articles)My ASU Web pagePodcast…

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388 – An Extended Challenge Point Framework for Practice Design

388 A look at the extended challenge point hypothesis. How can we get the level difficulty right to challenge a performer? What are 3 different goals coaches should consider when designing a practice?Download link Articles:An extended challenge-based framework for practice design in sports coachingA critical systematic review of the Neurotracker perceptual-cognitive training toolThe effectiveness of…

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387 – Task Specific Devices & Soft Assemblies

387 How do the components of our motor system flexibly reorganize in response to task demands? How do we use information about performance errors (knowledge of results) to search for new organizations? Do these processes involve the use of hard-wired motor programs or softly assembled devices specific to the constraints associated with the individual and…

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386 – Decision Making III: Emergent, Mental Model Driven or Both?

386 A look at the recent systematic review of decision making in sports. Is decision making best explained as being emergent, mental model driven or both? Is this an example of integrating direct and indirect theories of perception?Download link Articles:Understanding a Player’s Decision-Making Process in Team Sports: A Systematic Review of Empirical EvidenceContinuous hitting movements…

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385 – A 10 Commandments for an Ecological Approach to Skill

385 A look Michaels and Palatinus’ 10 commandments for ecological psychology and their implications for skill acquisition research and coaching. Why are the principles of the ecological approach a package deal?Download link Articles:A Ten Commandments for Ecological Psychology More information:Subscribe in iOS/AppleSubscribe in Android/GoogleMy Research Gate Page (pdfs of my articles)My ASU Web pagePodcast Facebook…

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384– Learning to Move with Pain: Affordances & Constraints

384 How does pain shape learning and re-learning to move? How does it change the field of affordances available to an athlete? What is the best way to treat it?Download link Articles:Pain and the field of affordances: an enactive approach to acute and chronic pain More information:Subscribe in iOS/AppleSubscribe in Android/GoogleMy Research Gate Page (pdfs…

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383 – Why I Switched Sides to the Ecological Approach

383 Why did I make the switch in my career from thinking about skill as an indirect, predictive process involving internal models to direct perception, ecological dynamics?  Why do I think the latter is a better approach to understanding and developing skill?  Download link Articles:“Markov at the Bat”: A Model of Cognitive Processing in Baseball…

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382– Online vs Offline Information VS Direct vs Indirect Perception

382 What is the difference between using online vs offline information to our control our actions on the one hand and the dichotomy between direct vs indirect perception, on the other? How have these been used incorrectly in many attempts to integrate skill acquisition approaches? An attempt at some clarification.Download link Articles:/Links:Expert Anticipatory Skill in…

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