
198- Journal Club #13: Affordances

198I am joined by Duarte Araujo, Marianne Davies, Ben Franks & Stuart Armstrong to discuss the topic of affordances. How do affordances invite opportunities for action and how do we select between them? How can coaches design practice activities to encourage athletes to accept these invitations?Download link Articles: Affordances can invite behavior: Reconsidering the relationship…

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197 – Journal Club #12: Talent ID & Selection

197 I am joined by Joe Baker, David Mann, Joerg Schorer and Nick Wattie to discuss topics including: what exactly is “talent”, how good are we at talent ID/selection and what impacts does it have on sports and society, what are the pros and cons of early specialization, and the future conferencing.Download link More information:Subscribe…

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196 – Interview with James Rudd, LJMU, An Ecological Dynamics Approach to Improving Physical Literacy & Movement Skills in PE

196 A discussion with James Rudd from Liverpool John Moores University. What are the trends in movement competency/skill in children in recent years? How should we be assessing skill and Physical Literacy? How do nonlinear and linear approaches to PE compare in terms of developing competency and creativity in movement skill?Download link More info about…

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195 – Interview with Jia Yi Chow, NTU Singapore, Nonlinear Pedagogy

195 A discussion with Jia Yi Chow from the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. What is nonlinear pedagogy? What has research shown regarding its effectiveness in PE teaching? How can a coach become more effective at using it and related approaches like the CLA. Download link More info about my guest: More information:Subscribe in iOS/AppleSubscribe in…

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Task Decomposition vs Task Simplification and How they Align with the Skill Acquisition Approaches

It is clear that one way in which we can help facilitate the process of skill acquisition in sports is by not “throwing the learner in the deep end” right away. That is, not including all the complexities, variability and task demands they will face in competition right at the early stages of learning. This…

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194- Journal Club #11: Prospective Control

194 I am joined by Andrew Wilson, Tyler Yearby and Garrett Boyum to discuss Prospective Control. We talk about how it differs from predictive control, the patterns of behaviors it creates, how it de-emphasizes the importance of reaction time, how it changes with practice and affordance-based control.Download link Articles: Prospective control in sport More information:Subscribe…

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193 – Interview with Ben Cohen, WSJ, The Hot Hand: The Mystery & Science of Streaks

193 A discussion with Ben Cohen from the Wall Street Journal about his new book – The Hot Hand: The Mystery & Science of Streaks. Does the Hot Hand in sports exist? How does it change the behavior of people around the player with the “hot hand”? How can this idea be extended to other…

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How, Why and When We Use Variability in Practice: Prescriptive Instruction vs Self-Organization

Some degree of variability in practice conditions is good! I don’t think that’s too controversial of an opinion. Although we may quibble over things like how applicable studies comparing blocked vs random practice are to real sports skills, I think almost all researchers and coaches would agree with my first statement.  Here, I want to…

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192- Journal Club #10: VR Training

192 I am joined by Sam Vine from Exeter and Cathy Craig from INCISIV for a discussion about present and future of VR Training. What can and can’t VR do for sports training? How should we be assessing VR systems? How can it be a value add to real practice?Download link More information:Subscribe in iOS/AppleSubscribe…

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The Connection Ball & Pitching: A Direct Comparison of Self-Organization vs Prescriptive Approaches

After my recent podcast episode contrasting Prescriptive Instruction vs Self-Organization approaches to skill acquisition I have received a lot of great questions and comments regarding how specific training activities fit with the different approaches. So, to further explore the relationship between them I am going to try and do a few blog posts where I…

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