My thoughts on some random issues related to performance in sports
-Practicing the “Wrong Way” reduces anxiety. 2/26/2025
–Is the batter’s eye in Seattle an Ames room? A perceptual analysis of the challenge of hitting in T-Mobile park, 2/1/2025
–Practicing in Groups with Athletes with Different Individual Constraints & Action Capacities, 2/8/2023
–My Favourite Research Papers of 2020 (Video Reviews), 12/14/2020
–The Two Skill Acquisition Approaches: Key Differences, 10/29/2020
–Why Cristiano Ronaldo’s Ability to Play “in the Dark” is not Evidence for Predictive Control, 10/23/2020
–How to make CLA gains “sticky”, 7/1/2020
–New Constraints Led Approach to Coaching (CLA) & Differential Learning Resource Pages, 6/3/2020
–Task Decomposition vs Task Simplification and How they Align with Skill Acquisition Approaches, 5/20/2020
–How, Why and When We Use Variability in Practice: Prescriptive Instruction vs Self-Organization, 5/15/2020
–The Connection Ball & Pitching: A Direct Comparison of Self-Organization vs Prescriptive Approaches, 5/13/2020
–Thoughts on the Astros’ Sign Stealing Scandal: How Knowing What’s Coming Alters Batting Performance, 2/6/2020
–Why is it difficult to catch a poorly thrown or kicked football? A perceptual perspective, 8/23/2017
–Eye & Head Movements in Batting: Challenging the “Truths”, 8/16/2017
–“Soft Focus” or Visual Pivot Point: Which Should Baseball Batters Use?, 8/9/2017
–Visual Information about Horizontal Pitch Movement: Sensitivity, Release Points & Eye Separation, 8/2/2017
–The Psychology of Quick Pitching & Altering Deliveries, 7/28/2017
–A Baseball Batter’s Perception of Spin & How it Relates to Hitting Performance, 6/29/2017
–Pitch Tunneling & Perceptually Equivalent Pitches, 6/24/2017
–New VR Transfer of Training Paper, 5/14/2017
–Bayes Theorem & Fantasy Football, 8/25/2016
–Is There a Choking Hangover?, 5/23/2016
–Analysis of Entropy in MLB Pitching, 5/2/2016
–Analysis of Handedness X Batting Stance in MLB, 4/25/2016
–Does Monty Hall Have a Hot Hand?, 1/8/2016
–Some Brief Thoughts on the “Kicking Crisis” in the NFL, 10/26/2015
–Why Am I Doing This Podcast?, 10/6/2015
–The Evolution of My Batting Simulator, 9/29/2015
–My Head Training Journey, 9/20/2015
–Pro Move Mini Motion Tracking System Review, 9/2/2015
Video Article Reviews


A behind the scenes look at the podcast and the research going on in my lab